Demographics and Psychographic


What information do media companies use to create a demographic profile of their audience?

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Education
  • Social class
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Job/profession/earnings
  • Home (city/village/countryside)

2) Why are media companies and advertisers increasingly using audience profiling and not just demographics?

helps you unlock  new insights about your target audience to map into new business opportunities that drive your marketing strategy  forward

3) What are the seven different Psychographic groups?

The Aspirer, The Reformer, The Explorer, The Succeeded, The Resigned, The Struggler, The Mainstream

4) Write a brief summary of what each Psychographic group is seeking or motivated by.

The AspirerMaterialistic, acquisitive people who are driven by others perceptions.

The ReformerReformers are most anti-materialistic out of the seven groups and are often received as intellectual.

The ExplorerThese people are driven by a need for discovery, challenges and new frontiers.

The Succeeded: Succeeds possess self confidence, have a strong goal orientation and tend to be very organised.

The ResignedThese are predominantly older people with constant, unchanging values built over time. 

The StrugglerStrugglers live  for today and make fewer plans for tomorrow. Others often see them as victims, losers and wasters.

The MainstreamThese are people who live in the world of the domestic and the everyday.

5) What psychographic group or groups do YOU belong in? Think about your own interests and lifestyle and explain your decision. Remember, you may fit into two or three different groups! 

In my opinion I think I'm in the group the succeeded because I have strong on becoming something good in the future.


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