Denotation and connotation
Create a new blogpost in your GCSE Media blog called ' Denotation and connotation '. 1) Write an analysis of the WaterAid advert above using denotation, connotation and analysis. What can you see? What are the deeper meanings in the advert? What does the advert communicate to the audience? How might an audience react after seeing the advert? Denotation I n the WaterAid advert, there is a young boy where you can see he is sad. There is a logo example of written and verbal codes. There is a technical code such as a village cottage and a tree in the background of the advert. The advert ensures the young boy is standing out to the consumers. Connotation In the water aid advert, the connotation of the realistic scheme in the background indicates how the young boy is from a state where one lacks access to basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. The typography(font)is in bold and ‘Dig toilets, not graves’ in poor sanitation in the developing world. 2) Now choose your own c...